Spotlight guidelines
Entertain the crowd in your own way. It can be a skit, solo instrument play or any of your special talent showcase.
Team should consist 1 or 2 (performer) + 2 (helping hands for backstage).
A team must consist of participants from same college (Cross college teams are strictly prohibited) and College Id proof (original/ photocopy/ soft copy) of every participants have to be carried.
UMaximum limit of number of participating teams from a particular college is 2.
Time limit: 4+1 minutes for each team. This 1 Minutes includes stage set up, changes of scene and other things related to the performance. Exceeding this time limit, the team will be penalized.
There is no specific theme.Participating teams are free to choose the topic.
Language should be : Bengali, English, Hindi
Props are allowed, and should be brought by participants themselves .
Any equipment that you will bring, has to be disclosed at least the day before the competition.
Pre-recorded music should be brought in a pen drive in mp3 format only.
Use of any kind of fluid, live animals, flame, heavy/sharp objects is not allowed.
The decision of the coordinators will be final regarding rules and regulations and provision of services. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Participants can have live music
Vulgarity and use of abusive language shall lead to disqualification.
Key Points
- Event Type : Entertain the crowd
- Genre : Your choice
- Prize Pool : Exciting Prizes
- Registration Fee (BPPIMT) : Rs 70/-
- Registration Fee (Non BPPIMT) : Rs 100/-
- Event Status : Offline
- Time limit : 5 minutes (max)
- Venue :BPPIMT (vip campus)
- Event Date : 25th March 2023 (2:15 pm - 5:00 pm)

Co-ordinator & Volunteer
Feel Free to ask your doubts regarding the events to the respective Co-ordinator & Volunteer
+91 9748892687
+91 6291267461
+91 6291533962