Picturesque guidelines
Participants can submit only one photograph each. No Re-entry or Changes will be entertained
It must be your own Photography.
Other relevant data like Participant Name, Name of College/ Institution, Contact Number need to be included.
Participants need to send their entries in jpeg/ PNG/ JPG file format (Not more than 10 MB)
Each entry must contain a CAPTION (not more than 15 words)
Photos that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive content, including provocative nudity, violence, human rights and/or environmental violation, and/or any other contents deemed to be contrary to the law, religious, cultural & moral traditions and practices of India, are strictly prohibited and will be immediately discarded.
Decision of the judge is final and binding.
Key Points
- Photography Topics : 1. Street Candids or 2. Events & Festivals
- Photography size limit : 10 MB
- Prize Pool : Exciting goodies from CSCP
- Registration Fee (BPPIMT) : Rs 30/-
- Registration Fee (Non BPPIMT) : Rs 50/-

Co-ordinator & Volunteer
Feel Free to ask your doubts regarding the pre events to the respective Co-ordinator & Volunteer
+91 8017447527
+91 7044469910