Papyrus guidelines
The most important criterion for judging a creative piece is the author's creativity, how original and creative his/her piece of work or idea is.
His/her grip on the language, capacity to play with the words and vocabulary will be considered as a parameter.
It goes without saying, the author cannot exceed the said word limit i.e. 350-400 words and the languages are limited to English and Bengali.
The creative pieces can be either a short story or a poem or a nonfiction prose.
The nonfiction prose should not be mistaken for an essay.
In case of a short story, the story should begin and end with an impact or it should be written in such a manner that it holds the reader's attention.
Grammar is not being considered as a parameter. However, it is expected that the writer has a sound knowledge of grammar. It is also expected, that, the piece is not pampered with spelling mistakes.
The Topic will be provided by organizers.
The time allotted for creative writing is 60 minutes.
A participant will get disqualified if he/she uses any electronic gadget and internet or exceeding the said time limit.
The paper will be provided by Organizers. Participants have to use their own pen and pencil. They can use other stationery things with the permission of coordinators.
Judges will decide the winner despite of the language they have chosen. There will be three positions (1st, 2nd and 3rd) from the whole event. Judges decision will be final decision
All participants must show their college id cards prior to entering the venue of competition.
The organizing committee deserves the right to change or modify the rules, timings etc. with prior notice
Key Points
- Event Type : Creative writing competetion
- Topic : Provided by the organizers
- Prize Pool : Exciting Prizes
- Registration Fee (BPPIMT) : Rs 40 per member
- Registration Fee (Non BPPIMT) : Rs 60 per member
- Event Status : Offline
- Total Time given : 60 minutes
- Venue :BPPIMT (vip campus)
- Event Date : 24th March 2023 (3:00 pm - 5:00 pm)

Co-ordinator & Volunteer
Feel Free to ask your doubts regarding the events to the respective Co-ordinator & Volunteer
+91 8670099931
+91 8436576182
+91 8583096969