Cosplay guidelines
This event is an inter-college event. Therefore, participants have to be registered college students.
This is a Solo Event
Participants can dress about any character of their wish (anime/comics/movies/web series)but must portray it accordingly and accurately
Use of any No changing rooms or green rooms will be provided, so participants must come to the event dressed according to their cosplay character.
No vulgarity will be entertained Such actions will lead to instant disqualification, so choose your character wisely.
No nudity or clothing that exposes excessive amounts of skin will be allowed. Skirts should be knee length. No weapons-real or replica is to be allowed at the event without prior approval from the event staff. No smoking or vaping is allowed in the event space. No open flames or pyrotechnics are to be allowed at the event.
Props are to be brought by the participants. The organizers shall not bear any responsibility in case of loss/damage or theft of any props material.
In round 1, each participant will be given an event space where they will act/perform like the character they are cosplaying and interact with the crowd. In round 2, all the participants, one by one will come on stage and will answer a few questions asked by the judges.
The decisions made by the judge are final and no further disputes will be entertained or valid.
Judging Criteria
Craftsmanship: The level of skill and attention to detail in the construction of the costume, including the use of appropriate materials and techniques.
Accuracy: The degree to which the costume accurately represents the character or source material which the participants will portray.
Presentation: The level of confidence, energy, and stage presence demonstrated by the cosplayer while cosplaying
Authenticity: The degree to which the cosplayer stays true to the character and source material.
Interaction: The degree to which the cosplayer interacts with the audience, judges, and other cosplayers during the event.
Conceptualization: The degree to which the cosplayer has created a believable and cohesive look and feel to the costume, including the use of appropriate accessories and props.
Craftsmanship: The level of skill and attention to detail in the construction of the costume, including the use of appropriate materials and techniques.
Overall Impression: How well the cosplayer presents the costume as a whole and how memorable the costume is.
Key Points
- Event Type : Cosplay Competetion
- Cosplay genre : anime/comics/movies/web series
- Prize Pool : Exciting Prizes
- Registration Fee (BPPIMT) : Rs 50/-
- Registration Fee (Non BPPIMT) : Rs 80/-
- Event Status : Offline
- Venue :BPPIMT (vip campus)
- Event Date : 25th March 2023 (11:00 pm - 1:00 pm)

Co-ordinator & Volunteer
Feel Free to ask your doubts regarding the events to the respective Co-ordinator & Volunteer
+91 7980735045
+91 6289842346
+91 8292162182