Caption-Mania guidelines
The caption must be Original.
The Event is an Individual Event.
All participants will caption a photograph which must be clicked at Elixir selfie stand at C-Block.
Single photograph should be used
The captions should be regarding ELIXIR ’23 and should not have more than two statements.
The caption is Strictly Prohibited of having any kind of Offensive Language.
Photograph and Caption should be sent to The Mail should also contain Name, Year, Branch, University Roll number. Any Missing detail may lead to disqualification.
The photo will be uploaded from ELIXIR main Facebook page where number of likes on the photo will be considered for judgment. Remember, the person who have liked the photograph should also be the follower of the ELIXIR page otherwise likes will not be considered.
Judges’ decision will be final and binding.
Key Points
- Language Allowed : English ,Bengali , Hindi.
- Prize Pool : Exciting goodies from CSCP
- Registration Fee : Free
- JUDGEMENT CRITERIA : Originality, Creativity, Appropriateness, number of likes followed in photo posted in ELIXIR page.

Co-ordinator & Volunteer
Feel Free to ask your doubts regarding the pre events to the respective Co-ordinator & Volunteer
+91 9631137578
+91 8910641033